
Eating to endure

Nutrition advice for endurance sport - written in association with Prime Health Surrey

man in black shorts running on gray asphalt road during daytime
man in black shorts running on gray asphalt road during daytime

5 tips to boost your immunity this winter

Diet tips to support good health through the winter months - written in association with Prime Health Surrey

person holding heart-shaped snow
person holding heart-shaped snow

Slumber Bites

A podcast in collaboration with Vicky Scott, Sleep Consultant, discussing sleep and feeding in the early stages of life.

woman in white shirt carrying baby
woman in white shirt carrying baby

Autism and Selective Eating

When is it more that fussiness? - written in association with Health Matters Group

white and pink number 10
white and pink number 10

Research Paper

Synbiotic containing extensively hydrolyzed formula improves gastrointestinal and atopic symptom severity, growth, caregiver quality of life, and hospital-related healthcare use in infants with cow's milk allergy - published research

silver and black round device
silver and black round device